The Wealthy World: The Growth and Implications of Global Prosperity

The Wealthy World: The Growth and Implications of Global Prosperity
The rapid and increasing accumulation of worldwide wealth set in motion in the 1990s continues its upward climb in the new millennium. The potential for world wealth creation may be as high as $500 trillion or $100,000 for each person on the planet. Aside from the obvious rewards and controversies behind such an economic surge lies its intriguing capacity to touch every aspect of economic development and exchange. Written with a global perspective by an author with extensive international finance experience, The Wealthy World explains the reasons for this increase in wealth and why it will continue. Edmunds explores how much wealth will be created, what it will be based on–and who will have it. Also examined are the implications of growing wealth in a world whose financial systems are becoming ever more unified, the consequences both to economies and populations, and the inevitable injustices that lie in its wake. From the effect of this growth at a time of rising global technology and interconnectivity, to its challenges to our very laws of physics, averages, and fairness, to an illuminating examination of why poverty prevails in some parts of the world despite resources for prosperity, The Wealthy World provides invaluable insights into life in the approaching world economy.